Hack Your Brain Chemistry For Healing


Hello dear friends!

Feeling the warm sun on your skin. Hearing the music swell in your favorite song. Savoring a delicious meal. Most of us know that these things are pleasant, and can give us a little happy lift. But what about real, healing power? Even when it comes to serious symptoms or illness?

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been revisiting a lot of my college biochemistry, neuroanatomy, and psychology courses, and diving deeper into healing modalities that involve the brain and mood. I feel like I’m at the point in my own journey where I’ve realized that what we think and feel is just as important, if not more so, as what we eat, breathe, and drink. Now, don’t get me wrong- nutrition and detoxing your home will always be key pieces, but I think there’s huge untapped potential in our minds.

I haven’t talked much about it publicly yet, but I’ve been exploring the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (aka DNRS) lately, to help me heal my 11+ years of symptoms and secondary anxiety/fear around them. So far, it’s been great, and I’ll probably share more about my personal journey with this at some point. But today, I want to talk about the brain chemistry associated with healing, and how we can all hack our minds for optimal health and happiness!

Neuroplasticity, the idea that our brains can rewire themselves, is based on changes in chemistry. Our neurotransmitters, hormones, and other molecules that have effects on the brain and mood can dramatically shift our ability to overcome even long-standing belief patterns, physical symptoms, and more.

There are four molecules in particular, that I want to focus on, that have powerful healing potential. And they spell out the word DOSE (how handy!):

D - dopamine

O - oxytocin

S - serotonin

E - endorphins

You’ve likely heard about these four already- they’re the driving chemical messengers of what are known as “elevated emotional states.” And it's these states that promote healing on all levels, including the physical body. When we are in an elevated emotional state, our brain can rewire itself to send signals to our cells to lower inflammation, reduce pain, and plenty more. Just about any physical reaction, especially food/chemical sensitivities, can be eliminated with the right, continual brain chemistry.

So, what makes these four molecules special? And how can we get more of them?

Let’s give a little primer on our “DOSE chemistry!” And keep in mind, none of these work alone- we need a balance of all of them, at any given time.



This is often known as the reward chemical, associated with our brains’ pleasure loop- a cycle of motivation, reward, and reinforcement. It is a feel-good neurotransmitter, and is a contributing factor in our motor function, decision-making, and mood. We usually get a release of dopamine during a pleasurable moment, like finally eating those cookies we’ve been eyeing all day, or crossing something off our to-do lists. Dopamine is strongly associated with goals and tasks, and it can make us feel energized, motivated, focused, and alert.


Sometimes called the “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone” because it is a major factor in bonding and physical touch. This is one of the key hormones in maintaining our social structure, as it reinforces feelings of closeness, cooperation, and trust. Oxytocin has been shown to affect how we perceive others, how we act in groups, and changes our social biases. It plays a big role in sex, reproduction, birth, and breastfeeding too.


A key player in our mood and nervous system health, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is manufactured in our GI tract (thanks microbes!). It regulates emotional states, digestion, memory, sleep, sexual function, and bone/blood health too. This is a popular target for pharmaceutical interventions- SSRIs, SNRIs, and other similar drugs work to increase levels of serotonin in the brain. This is a big chemical messenger when it comes to feeling happy, calm, and present.


Technically a class of molecules, endorphins are chemical messengers that regulate our perception of pain and stress. These work in a similar fashion to opioids, and in high enough doses can give feelings of euphoria and bliss. Most of us associate endorphins with intense exercise or in response to pain, but there are other ways to release them too...keep reading!

It’s so important to “get your daily DOSE,” whether you are following any kind of neuroplasticity training program or not. And it is these four molecules that most mental health and self-care advice is based upon.

Thankfully, it’s relatively easy to increase your happy brain chemistry. But the key is to do it often enough. I invite you to check out the list below, and do at least 4-5 of these every single day!

Ways to raise your DOSE chemistry

Because many of these activities overlap in which chemicals they work on, I’ve added letters by them, to show you which primary pathways they act upon. Remember: D - dopamine, O - oxytocin, S - serotonin, and E - endorphins.

  • Exercise - D, S, E

  • Get a massage - D, O, E

  • Celebrate your wins- D, S

  • Try something new/novel- D (with friends - O)

  • Snuggle with a pet- O

  • Listen to music- D, O, S, E

  • Meditate - D, O, S, E

  • Fill up on complex carbohydrates- S

  • Spend time in nature- D, S, E

  • Laugh out loud- D, O, S, E

  • Eat something spicy- E

  • Get sun exposure/bright full spectrum light- D, S, E

  • Have sex with someone you care about- D, O

  • Have an orgasm (solo or partnered)- O, E

  • Revisit happy memories- S, E

  • Do random acts of kindness- D, O, S

  • Hug/hold hands- O

  • Doing breathwork- D, S, E

  • Give someone a compliment- O

  • Complete a task- D

  • Write a love letter or send a care package - O

  • Eat dark chocolate- D, S, E

  • Share a delicious meal- O, S

  • Get acupuncture/lay on acupressure mat- E

  • Make or play music- D, S, E

Of course, there are certainly more things we could add to this list, and endless variations on these activities. But that just goes to show how easy it is, and how many options you have, to shift your brain chemistry for health and healing!

If you are doing DNRS, getting your daily DOSE is a crucial part of the rewiring process. But even if you’re not, these activities can support your entire wellbeing, and encourage health on many levels.

BONUS: you can get a vicarious dose of these healing chemicals by watching someone else experience joy or happiness, so don’t forget to soak up those moments too!

Do you have a favorite from the list above? I’d say eating delicious food, outside in the sun, with someone I love, is mine!

Until next time, my friend,

~ Take care and be well ~

xo Melani

Certified Health Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Vitalist Herbalist

Come connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube