How Often Should I Get Reiki?

person with hands open receiving reiki healing

Hello dear friends!

Following my Energy Alchemy sessions, clients typically have a question or two, and these are the most common ones. When should I book another session? How often do people get Reiki? How frequently should I get energy work, if I want to heal xyz (chronic illness, childhood trauma, etc)? 

So I thought I’d put together a quick blog, to try to answer these questions!

The first thing to know is that Reiki and other types of energy medicine work best in combination with other modalities. I’ve found, in both my own journey and in working with clients, that Reiki can give a powerful “oomph” to anything it's combined with, and this is why I also offer health coaching, herbal consults, and the like. So, this is just a fair disclaimer that, if you’re living an unhealthy lifestyle otherwise (eating processed food, hardly sleeping, smoking, etc), don’t expect a few Reiki sessions to swoop in and save you!

Thus, on the flip side, if you are bringing in Reiki or other energy healing, on top of other health-supporting habits, I think this is where the miracles can happen. I’ve seen several clients who were doing all the “right” things with their diets, supplements, sleep, meditation, etc, but were able to break through a plateau when they added Reiki.

As far as the question goes, “how often should I get Reiki,” I think a lot of it depends on your current health circumstances, and your goals. 

I’ve had clients who were actively going through chemo, dialysis, or other challenging treatments, and needed energetic/spiritual support 2-3x/week for a while. These types of things tend to be more urgent or acute, and getting Reiki every few days can be beneficial here. 

Others like a standing weekly session, sort of like you might see a counselor or therapist. This is a great pace for those wanting rapid healing, and who are taking the right steps to continue the work between sessions.

Most clients tend to fall in the 1-2x/month range. I think this is a good pace for most people, especially those who have more sensitive systems, have chronic health conditions, or just want some energetic maintenance. You can still make good progress with Reiki every other week or so.

People who don’t have any major health complaints and aren’t looking to unravel deep trauma may do just fine with a session every 2-3 months, or once per season. I see these as more of energetic “check-ins” and can be a great gauge on how multiple aspects of your life are progressing. You may not see as visible of healing progress at this pace, but each tune-up is highly valuable in itself!

Of course, Reiki sessions will always be a great investment, no matter when you get them or how often. Even if you relax and receive once per year, on your birthday, you can still have a powerful experience. Remember that, during each and every session, you will have at least one angel or spirit guide show up, and some amount of unhelpful stuck energy unblocked! And I think that’s always a wonderful thing!

If you are curious about how often you personally can benefit from Reiki healing sessions or intuitive guidance, I’m happy to help. I do recommend experiencing at least one session and seeing how it settles in. There is always an integration period following this type of healing, and many people continue to see shifts in the days, or even weeks, after. Some sessions touch on heavier issues around fear, identity, worthiness, shame, etc…and these may take longer to fully assimilate. Again, how much healing work you’re doing between sessions makes a huge difference.

Additionally, you can schedule Reiki around events or moments in your life too, for some extra clarity or vitality. Some people receive Reiki before/after an important travel trip, before a wedding or divorce, before a surgery, before or after the birth of a child, and other major milestones. In these cases, the session is tailored just for that event!

Reiki and energy medicine, like most holistic modalities, builds on itself over time. The more consistent you are in receiving, the better results you’ll see long-term. You wouldn’t go to a chiropractor once or twice, then expect to be good to go for years, right? It’s similar with energy work! While each session is useful on its own, the real magic happens when you invest in it for a period of time. I’ve been privileged to work with a handful of clients who made Reiki a routine part of their life, in concert with things like nutritional changes, herbal remedies, talk therapy, psychedelic therapy, etc., and saw absolutely amazing things happen. They healed autoimmune conditions, started their own businesses, manifested new relationships, took their dream vacations, forgave themselves and others, and so many more miracles.

So, in a nutshell, your unique circumstances and your healing goals will determine how often I recommend scheduling a Reiki session. But I’d plan on at least 1x/month to see real, lasting benefits.

Ready to get started? Schedule your Energy Alchemy session right here!

I can’t wait to connect with you!

XO Melani

Certified Health Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, and Vitalist Herbalist

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